Halmstad 2016
Nadja Djurovic Larsen Denmark
I attended in the juried exhibition scholarship to Halmstad Castle Organized by Gallery Blue Light early September 2016th
The exhibition was opened by Halmstads mayor Mrs. Lena Sommerstad and owner of Gallery Blue Light Mr. Per Widell.
I was very honored to receive culture price 2016 for best foreign artist in the exhibition.
I’ve got censored two H.C. Andersen paintings that are composed of his quotes – To travel is to live and Our time is the fairytale time – size 70 x 50 cm.
Jury Composition: Per Widell Gallery Blue Light, Magnus Krook artist, Kenneth Denker artist, Kjell Stjernholm theater manager.
You can see the photo series from the event to Halmstad Castle below.
You can also see the video from fellow exhibition at Halmstad Castle on this link https://youtu.be/JLxhXAmeinE
- Att resa är att leva, 70 x 50 cm 2016
- Vä tid ä äventyrets tid, 70 x 50 cm 2016
- Culture price 2016
- Halmstads Mayor Mrs. Lena Sommerstad opens exhibition
- Halmstads mayor Mrs Lena Sommerstad hands over culture price
- Mr Per Widell hands over the prize money
- Mr. Per Widell converses about H.C. Andersen’s paintings
- Halmstad Castle
- Reception
- Relaxing on the bench after the award ceremony
- Family Larsen relax in the deep armchairs on Castle Square.
- Poster from the exhibition 2016